As one of the most liquid and active markets in the world, this market allows investors, regardless of their level of experience, to start trading Forex.
Which is to take positions on the future value of a currency in relation to another, in what is called a “currency pair”. One example is the GBP / USD.
If you we were to buy shares in this pair, it means you are buying the first currency name (GBP) and at the same time selling currency in the second denomination (USD).
The intention to start trading Forex is to hope that the price difference between the two rises or drops in value, and the desired movement increases profit from each investment. If you believe the value of the pair will fall, you should sell GBP / USD, and you should buy if you think the price will rise.
The first step is to choose a broker or intermediary to make the investments. The decision is entirely preferential to each investor. Some brokers offer options that will be useful for the investor, while other brokers take sole advantage of the investment but provide some other type benefit.
The important thing is to use a broker with whom you feel comfortable and safe; not every broker has been verified as legitimate, so it is a must for whatever broker you choose to be regulated.
Having decided what broker to use, the following is to open a demo account. Most brokers offer demo accounts for periods of one week to one month. This is to give investors the opportunity to feel comfortable with the platform and to know more about the foreign exchange market.
Using a demo account is a good opportunity to make sure the options and tools provided by the broker are pleasing to the user. It is not advisable to invest any amount of money if the person does not feel 100% confident.
The Top 5 Reasons to Start Trading Forex
Forex trading is growing in popularity by leaps and bounds. It is going to soon surpass stocks as the day trader’s market. Here are the top 5 reasons to start trading forex:
1) Be Your Own Boss – Well, to say that the recent economy has been a bit shaky is a bit of an understatement. People are getting laid off left and right.
It’s getting tougher and tougher for the traditional family to make ends meet. Add that to the fact that the cost of gas keeps going higher by the minute, people are starting to look for ways to be their own boss.
Forex trading allows people the opportunity to say goodbye forever to their boss and job. There is no one to answer to. If you want to hit the snooze button and wake up late and not bother trading for the day, that’s your choice as well.
Another great benefit is how much money you’ll save on gas by not having to drive to and from work everyday.
2) Travel Anytime You Want – Even if people are lucky enough to be their own boss,most don’t get the true liberty of traveling when and where they feel like it.
They are usually stuck in wherever their business is. But with forex trading as long as you travel to a destination that has internet (which is most of modern civilization) your business can go with you. No boundaries. You can go see the world and still make the same money that you would at home.
3) Forex is completely recession proof – Unlike almost every businesses that hinders on the strength or weakness of the economy, making money with forex is completely recession proof.
It makes absolutely no difference how good or bad the economy is doing. As long as you can trade either way of the respective market, you can be successful.
4) A 24 hour market – This benefits everybody. You will always find trading opportunity at some time in day. It’s perfect for folks who still work the 9-5 jobs. Unlike other trading instruments like stocks and futures, the markets closes at 4 pm.
So by the time most people get home there is no market to trade. That’s not the case with forex.
5) Much easier entries for beginners – When opening a stock brokerage or futures account the minimum to open is usually pretty high. Minimums can be as high $10,000. With forex, you can open an account with most brokers for less than $500.
To learn how to get started and to learn forex trading, make sure to check out Trading in the Buff.